Friday, February 17, 2012

Reading Notes - Week 7

Reading Notes
Web Monkey Cheat Sheet 
- This sheet will be very helpful when we actually start writing simple things in html language. 
As of right now, I don't understand it very much, but that is because I have never used html or any other kind of web language. 

Introduction to HTML: 
- basic idea that the tag is contained between < and >
- beginning and ending tags are formatted as <item> and </item>. Good to know that there are some simple rules to follow. 
- Playing with the Try It Yourself function was really fun and interesting. It looks like writing html will be a process of figuring out and remembering what codes mean what. The cheat sheet I looked at first is going to come in very handy!! 
- Did not know that use of headings on a webpage are indexed by search engines. 
- I did not know that you could select "view source" on a right click and figure out how the page is formatted in htlm!!

Beyond HTML: Developing and Reimagining Content Webguides

- Reading through the introduction, it seemed that there was a fundamental problem in the way the librarians went about contstructing their website. It should be good practice for constructors of websites to plan out what they are going to do before they do it, especially as an organization's web presence lends such significance to their overall presence and 'brand.'
- I thought this article was an interesting and very thorough introduction into what and how libraries can work with their own content development in a way that is efficient and consistent. Otherwise, I found this article very dense and hard to read through. 

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